With a background from the IT university, Laust has worked with software within the healthcare sector for the past 10 years and has, among other things, has been the architect behind a Norwegian medicine module, several record systems, mobile patient apps and has provided health services to millions of patients and more than 25,000 healthcare professionals. For 7+ years, Laust has been the top manager of a large IT group and has solid experience in management, setting goals and work structured towards them. At Embla, Laust is responsible for the underlying systems and products. Privately, he is a father of three and lives with his wife in Virum.
Med en baggrund fra IT universitetet har Laust arbejdet med software indenfor sundhedssektoren de sidste 10 år og har bl.a. været arkitekt bag et norsk medicinmodul, adskillige journalsystemer, mobile patient app’s og har leveret sundhedstjenester til millioner af patienter og mere end 25.000 sundhedsfaglige.
Laust har i 7+ år været topchef i en større IT koncern og har en solid erfaring med ledelse, at sætte mål og arbejde struktureret mod dem. Hos embla har Laust ansvaret for de bagvedliggende systemer og produkter. Privat er han far til tre og bor med sin kone i Virum.
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