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bmi scale

Adult BMI Calculator

Calculate your BMI below for a better understanding of your body and health status.

See if you’re eligible

What is BMI?

Body mass index (BMI) is a simple measure of your body fat based on your height and weight. The measurement gives you a score that places you in one out of four weight categories.

Put in your values below to calculate your BMI.

What your BMI means

While BMI doesn’t represent your full health picture, it provides a general idea of your health concerning your weight.

If your BMI is 27+ you may be eligible for our Embla Mentor membership.

If your BMI is 30+ you may be eligible for our Embla Team membership.

Remember, BMI isn't a comprehensive measure. Factors like muscle mass, bone density, and overall body composition are not accounted for in BMI. For a complete health assessment, consider consulting with a healthcare professional.
Less than 18.5
May indicate malnutrition, an eating disorder, or other health issues.
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Normal weight
Between 18.5 - 24.9
Associated with a lower risk of certain diseases.
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Between 25.0 - 29.9
May lead to health issues like heart disease or diabetes.
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Over 30.0
Higher risk of various health conditions, including hypertension and stroke.
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We published a study about Embla.
Here’s the results

To prove that our holistic approach to weight loss works, we documented our members’ results and published a scientific study about it. The findings were clear.
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13.1% weight loss after 6 months
Participants experienced an average 13.1% decrease in body weight after 26 weeks.
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Significant drop in BMI
After 26 weeks a majority of participants no longer classified as obese.
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Most people lost over 5% body weight
A vast majority of participants achieved over 5% weight loss during the study.
*Based on data from clinical studies: PhD Dr. Gudbergsen et al., 2023 EMBRACE II, Denmark.

Up to 15-20% reduction in body weight by month 8

See if you're eligible